Thursday, July 31, 2008 @ 21:44 internet keeps on shutting down by itself.pfft.
can't even finish typing this damn post:/
ms poon is left for good today D:
and i suck at writing dedication messages.yeahh
but anyway, we'll all miss you ms poon!
and we really really apprciate all tht you've done for us last year and this year(:
hav a happy wedding:D
science was first.and mr toh was teaching lor
th thing i like abt mr toh so far is his green laser pen and th way he makes jokes at himself(unknowingly)
fast forward to VE
ms poon came in:D
and it was like a farewell gathering for ms poon.
we gave her th presents and she started to cry.awwww
she was like taking th tissue paper and dab dab dab.hahas.
i cried.rahh. poon was such a nice tcher(:
took class photos and other shots wif her :D

and other random shots(:

science started again today.
and mr toh teach until left 15mins than ms poon came in.
nobody really cried i think .it seemed rather calm.hahas
gave contacts and stuff.hahs
than was chinese.talked crap.and slack alot
homeEcons was boring.some sort of diet disease?
and dieting?!
than english,
and finally geog test D:
i think i flunked it damn badly.
maths was a bore.
than went for training.
killer training today!
we ran four rounds outside school! :O
and we did it! amk netball team did it! YAY
which means 4km i think. we brought our towels and handphone to listen to music.hahas
but it kinda helped alot i think.if not i'll hav died for th first 3 rounds.
came back and did 800skipping!
than medicine ball stuff and ballwork.
team ball and conditioning.
it was scary to train in th netball area when ppl are kicking abt with a basketball-.-
conditioning was nice!
everybody was shouting together:D
makes th 30 push ups and 40 crunches go by faster(:
slack at th bbtea shop.and went home.zzz
heard tht mr lian got dengue :x
get well soon! we want you back as our PE tcher!!!