Thursday, February 28, 2008 @ 20:44
i'm feeling very demoralised right now.all thnks to _____
mondaytanweemeng didnt come today!damn DAMN! didnt do much anyway.cuz he isnt here.and i dun wanna ask peggy ng. so ended up sand papering everything i can find^^
and i dun remember anything was such a long time ago.
ohyes.jbh wanted 1 to 1 interaction with me again.its already th 2nd time.and it haven even reach my number yet.she talk to me abt failing my chi test.and say duno wht attitude thing.than say i study chinese th wrong way..blahblah.and mrs ong was kinda like staring at me:/
felt really uneasy..
&& jasmine just went round carrying ppls bags during recess-.-
pics quite blurry though

tueesdayiap.juliana tay seemed in a better dancing in class-.-
drama was boring.only jac & i in th grp.and some sort of peeping tom plot.-.-
so told tcher go outside to practise.end up watching rachel kan playing vball!!haahah
suddenly th tcher came out.than we realise lesson over liaos!
double chinese.received our test.i got 22/50.i think very good already hors!at least not th lowest in class..maths? forgot already..and geog i forgot too. is test day.3 test on th same day! wtf.
had th maths test on th 2nd period.mrs ang gave us th first period to revise^^
than had geog test aft recess.we tried to lock ms lim out of th classroom!
than during el had th lit test..bleh.poems suck.
during VE amelia & praveen? gave out cakes for th ppl born in jan & feb.
damn! i hav to wait till october to get mine:/
todayhad lian was late again! i think tht he hav interaction with his class every morning takes alot of our pe time.had to run 3 rounds for warmup.slacked with xingjun run slow slow at th back!hahahha.everything was fine until we ran pass 3A(mrs ong inside) and vince was like shouting/talking my stomach damn pain cuz he ate tuna today?
lmao! i ate tuna today too okay. than mrs ong was like stare stare stare.
and for th next two rounds she was staring as well:/super weird please.
went bac for chinese.wasnt listening at all.cuz she not teaching much.
science aft class was super quiet while doing ws.first time! and ms poon promise to give us bac out science test tml! you better keep ur promise arh!
got out lit test back today.passed by one mark 11/20! lit isnt a very god subject so i pass also damn happy:D
hadd training aft skool.did th same thing we did on monday.
paired with alyssa & qinyu
run 2 rounds than medicine ball passes.another two rounds than netball passes.i luv doing netball passes aft medicine balll.cuz it feels super light!!than 100skipping and cones and zigzag dodge.
than did teamball.and courtwork!was suppose to hav a match with seniors.but tht stupid lightning signal came on.grr..didnt go off till netball ended -.-
so we did something like 1/3 court at th tiny area next to th council room.and we had th accuracy pole for company>:(
which made me damn stress when she came.i already had problem shooting in th damn ball.and
she had to add on to it saying tht its already so near.and i still take so long to shoot.and other demoralising stuff. i'm sorry team for all th sit ups and push ups i made you guys do.