Monday, September 24, 2007 @ 19:30
oh well well.
there was this mooncake celebration on friday.
went wif qizhi, wenting and jiejing!
so.wenting and i met at skool at 5.30.
cuz that stupid cher said so.
so we waited and waited and waited.
but jiejing and qizhi never came for a looong time
apparently jiejing was wenting and i were like hugry so qizhi bought instant noodles for us.;DD you rock girl!
we ate it at the bbq pit.but..there was this stupid bee.
it kinda freaked all of us out so we ate at the blk instead.
went to the playground aft that and went for the mooncake performance.
performance was cool!
(develusion)? was performing the dance again!
than the dance club and choir.
left early.
missed out on the fun part.they carried lanturns around the skool.
iap is finally ovveerrr!
no more drama! no more performances! no more drama journal!
and for art
no more ms tay! no more unbuttoned tshirts from her as well! :DDD
and i brought my zinc bag to skool today! so fun!
its my bday present. :)
went to study at the library wif jiamin.
and there was this grp of noisy deyi and whitley girls.
when we put our bags down at the cushion
they were like staring at us and they went"excuse me"
as if they own the bloody place luh.