Friday, September 14, 2007 @ 15:18
mondayooh shit.
many people cut themselves during art with the wood carving tools
and there was lots of
blood again.
than for jean didnt ms serena took over
she had this "very pissed with us" look on her face
as if we owe her lots of stuff like that.
but we didnt do anything wrong at why that attitude?
and during chinese lesson ms jin changed my partner and put someone new nix to me!
that's like my 3rd time changing partner i think?
tuesdaydun remember anything..
except i nearly fell asleep during double chinese
ms lim brought us to a
virtual tour of bukit timah (nature reserve?)
apparently the sound was not working
so it was very boring
but as if the sound can make a difference
wednesdayplayed softball during pe!
it was my first time and it was sooo fun!!
paired with jackie!
and i luv throwing with jackie haha.
and a apparently, maybe i threw at least F I V E balls to jackie but it ended up flying towards jiamin =.=
nearly hit her head. lol
and there was many loose balls to.roll all over the soccer field.o.o
dnt was really boring. talk abt gears and machines.
aft skool run 10 rounds to maintain stamina.
than did hw at the netball area
than when it was around 7.15..
felt was damn freaky.the whole place was shaking and you will feel very dizzy.
the hangers were moving abt so violently too.
so our neighbours were like quickly go down! first tremor and hopefully the last.
than ended up late for tuition..
cuz of the stupid tremors.
thursdayms poon was damn cute today lor.
her actions were very funny.
we were talking abt acids and alkaline or smthing like that.
her hand movements+the way she talk=a very funny teacher
todaysome how managed to make it through eng cuz mr tan wasnt in.
erm sci was kinda chaotic.
and ms poon got really angry..
and than went opposite to eat again.
and i tried perl red tea
and that's gonna be the first and the last time i will drink it!
i felt like vommiting
and it was so bitter
and when i got home i had to shit!
and the song fabulous is stuck in my head!