Monday, June 30, 2008 @ 21:49
i'm feeling super happy now!coz it just rained!
finally sia! or else we'll be sweating like crazy in th weather.
nothing much in school today.
except we had some sort of life science thing.
quite boring coz thr wasnt any hands on stuff.
only sit thr and talk.zzz
had maths and eng.
than went to meet ms lee.
turned out training was canceled.just as well lahh.
wasnt in th mood for training just now:/
so went to canteen.turned out we had to perform in th crowd-.-
where everybody is like we just said th first and last line they chiong off.
played bball at th cc later.
ohya! i ran 1 round with jiamin arnd th sch!HAHA
suddenly felt like running xD
and it felt great to shoot lah!
hear th 'swoosh' sound of th net when th ball goes in:D
Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 20:47
Plans are for people in control of their life.i'm not in control of my life. So i guess plans are not for me(:
Saturday, June 28, 2008 @ 18:07
finally had PE today! started off with playing this game.a little bit like whacko.
had to chase th person round.lols.
than played a little basketball.
and went for recess super we were th only ones in th canteen.hahas.
swapped seats during maths coz thr were some absent ppl. so sat alyssa at th last row:D
devin and vince were like talkin abt sick things during maths.
____ looks
'down' when defending(inside joke)
history was next.wasnt really paying attention.coz we were too concerned w drama-.-
yeahh.abt th rehearsal at th canteen.
turned out we can skip th rehearsal.lols.
went to amk cc to play bball.but th guys went to eat first so we played th shooting thingy;DD
shots are fun! shooting tht angle is really %^&*%$#$
had to try x8943848 times before th ball got in.
went to amkhub to watch GET SMART with alyssa and jiamin!
yeah!show rocks!
and we were laughing like cinema seemed noisy.
walked around than homed.
i saw a great pair of ear rings!
will/must buy that next time!
Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ 23:37
finally having time to post.
nomad is like taking up all my free time.
and everybody is rushing for th science project as well.zzz
science first periodD:
i think i won't be enjoying my sci lessons anymore.
hate th new tcher!
he threatened to confiscate our phones coz we were taking pictures of rust-.-
didnt do anything during chinese.i guess i've relly lost interest that.
turned out ms lesa is our home econs tcher again.
and had hist.
we were counting th number of times mr goh said 'alright'
hahas.he said it 95 times in like 20mins!HAHAS
i find maths okay least i understand simultanious equations;D
had nomad aft sch:/
same rehearsal as usual.except its james.always him one.where is ms serena?
not like i prefer any of them==''
rehearsed once and watched th other classes perform.than went off.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 21:52
i'm multi posting.but who cares.
had iap in th morning.
james came in just when jackie and i went out to change.shld hav purposely bang him.but i'll be like banging into a gay? rather not.
when we came back everybody went to its like few of us left in class with james-.-
than james and jackie arh. were like nearly quarrel with each other.what a fucker.(refers to gay)
music was was fine.warmups were werid.just not used to it i guess.
double chinese was boring.
had ICT and th tcher is a bimbo xD as she had claimed.a pretty and intelligent bimbo.lols
and we saw our new seating arrangements.hehe
i'm sitting with vince tmrw.lols
alyssa is sitting in from of me.and jiamin and jackie are sitting together.hahas.
mr tan like very nice with this term's seating arangement.hahas
had drama aft school.
and i don't really want to talk abt it.
th same old thing always happens every rehearsal.
teacher shouting.we just don't care.
@ 13:35
blogging frm school now!!
we just finished ICT lesson and the tcher is damn funny!
rohit is a bimbo.hahas.
nomad later.
sucks lot.
& gay james just came into our class just now.shout shout shout.think he damn big isit!?
i dun care anymore alrdy lah!
Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 20:58
first day of term 3!
wasnt too bad.hahas.
during flag raising mr tancheesiong said tht nomad shld be the
highlight of our amksian life.
but i feel that it is the
nightmare of my life.more like a moment i refuse to remember.
i don't really think anybody enjoys it either:/
lit first.45mins passed rather quickly and i took down notes! quite a surprise.hehe
i wna work hard this term! get into chem class:D
science was next.and ms poon told us th reason for th new sicence tcher):
we'll miss you ms poon!
chinese was next.nothing much.still same tcher and all.but went comlab for lesson though.zzz.
mrs ang went through hols hw.nothing much.
did some corrections during english.and mr tan said we'll only noe th seating arrangements tmrw.i hope th other form tchers hav no comments than can see th new arrangements!!
netball training aft school.
ran 1 round outside and 4 rounds inside.
and we had to do physical coz th ppl were rehearsing-.-
3sets was enough to kill me.pffft.
did some passes with xingjie.
th any-where-ball was funny.
run forward than throw th ball back.lols.
end up running more xD
in th end training ended early coz there was nothing to do:/
shot 100 shots at th end of training.
shots imrpoved alot!not so many airball.but still not so many silent shots.
practice makes perfect!went opp to eat fries and bubble tea as usual.
nomad totally crashed all my plans! now i get watch get smart, can't complete th PE project
Sunday, June 22, 2008 @ 21:15
chionging school hmwk now!
school starts tmrw.argh.
Friday, June 20, 2008 @ 21:37
anybody wants to watch GET SMART?
i feel like watching it again! ;D
match with northland today.
reached sch and collected th new timetable.
like #$%^&*%$!
there is a chance of mrs ong being our project work tcher D:
and lit is th first lesson on monday D:
reached northland and we wanted to play poison ball.but apparently we're suppose to hav th match first?
so ended up warming up.
played Gk for th 4th quater.
and i've been thowing away th passes.and i really need more practise for th gk throw in:/
and played Gs for th last quater.
run out for th ball?what do you mean?like run out and catch th pass?Or run away to make space for th other shooter?it just makes me more confuse every time.ended with 5 suicides D:
it nearly killed all of us.but we managed to finish it(:
stretched and watched th juniors game.
did 50 shots and waited for th bus to come.
sat all th way at e bac with sherylyn.hahahs.
so all of a sudden she'll be back to train with us-.-
th whole month she has been MIA while we've been training
and you suddenly say i'll go for training?
pffft.forget it please.
anyway.went to kfc for lunch with clarissa,jiamin,jaselyn,rachel,sherylyn and jiahui.
jaselyn & jiamin were laughing non stop-.-
hahahs.crazy bunch xD
went to th playground next to mac.and took random photos.hahas.
especially th hand block th face twist xD
photos at clarissa's is lazy to post(:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 @ 19:14
long list of quiz standby.
Tagged by sherylyn and jiamin.
1. Do you wish to get married ?
2.What do you want to do now ?
eat.haven eaten dinner yet:X
3.What will you be doing at 6pm ?
over alrdy!
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes ?
yeah.quite normal i guess
5.Where do you wish to die ?
uhh.dunnoe leh.
6.Will you go for plastic surgery ?
nope.i'm satisfied with myself(:
7.What are the impossible things you wish to do ?
lots of things are quite impossible to me..
8. Your darkest secret ?
9. Are you happy with your life now ?
okay lah.i think
10.What if your crush ask you out ?
11.What will you do when you feel bored ?
Listen to radio.use computer
12.What 3 words would you use to describe yourself ?
quiet, thinker, crapper
13. Do you cherish every friendship of your's ?
I guess so
14. Do you believe in miracles?
not really
Tagged by : Clarissa!
Rule: People who had been tagged has to start with 10 random facts about themselves.
At the end of the quiz you'll have to choose 10 people & tag them about the quiz
1. I love the radio especially 98.7fm!
2. I have the sudden urge to go shopping!
3. I have big feet.pffft
4. I love chemistry!
5. I have weird attached and one detached-.-
6. I can get very talkative at times and very quiet too.
7. I love showering immediately after trainings!
8. I prefer playing GK to GS.(sometimes)
9. I have always want to be a deejay!
10. I have motion sickness.(really random)
done all th quiz ;D
Labels: quiz
@ 18:33
the day really seems to be moving so slowly.
hope time can move faster.zzz
lef th hse and keep on msging sherylyn but she didnt reply.lols
reached sch bus stop and she still didnt turn up.
carol waited with me.hahas.and she still wasnt there.
so went in to sch.and waited around.
today seems like th whole netball team wore
blue or fundfiesta shirt.and 1 or 2 other random colours.hahas
ran two rounds and circuit.
we had to jump and whack mrlee's paper face xD
than did ball handling and ???
i kind forgot alrdy.
and shooter drills.than played match.
hahahs.shots were better.
but my movements can be improved..
and i still need more practise for being a GA.
seems quite hard to adapt coz you hav to run more as a GA than GS.and i've been like playing GS all along.passes too.
there's a match on friday northland sec.
juniors playing first.than we play.and all of us are suppose to squeeze into th bus-.-
imagine when coming back how smelly will it be.
showered after training again.and went to mac to eat.chatted for a long time and went into hub to walk around.
hahas.more of a slack and walk kinda thing.
went to NTUC to buy oranges and went home..
has anybody seen th new timetable?i think its really sucky.almost all lessons are ending at 2:10.
CLICK HEREpffft.we hav a new science tcher too.
Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 22:08 calf is like super numb now.
coz its freaking cold here..
Sundaywent to ahma's hse today!celebrate her bday.lols
cousins were there too.and richard's hairs is damnlong now.lols
and everybody was cramming into ahma's room to talk abt america's next top model.hahas!
and jason was telling us lame and racist jokes.
if there is a terroist attack on the mrt train, who will be the first to die?indians.cause when they annouce the attack, tamil is the last language-.-hahhs.talked
ALOT abt kungfu panda as well;D
richard is like loner lah.we all were talking in th room.than he sat at one corner and play his psp
ate bday cake and walked home-_-
fell asleep immediately lah.super tired that day.
todaytraining today.
sherylyn missed th bus again!lols.waited for her at sch bus stop.carol waited tooo!
walked to sch and help take out the balls.
ran 1 pyramid inside coz it was going to rain?
did the super long stretches and went to the gym.
paired with hueyfen and did pairball passes and ball handling.
than did team ball.and played game.
finally played GK again!but i really need to give my three feet.always kena obstruction.zzz
cramps are killing me.
Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 22:35
lots of things happended today.
netball training first.two rounds outside again.and there was this drain?th smelly water keep on flowing out.damn stinky.
stretched and did circuits.paired with farah.
everybody was like shouting jiaoyou so don't need to do an extra set.LOLS.
and did passes.and shooting drills again.
over 200plus shots(:
i luv th choop sound we hear when th ball goes in! :D
suicide and warmdown.
than alyssa,jiamin,jackie and i went to shower!
felt great!!
half way while showering th light went off and everybody screamxD
came back for drama.zzz.
waited damn long than finally perform.but who cares anyway.not like it really matters much.
and I don't think i'm going to insult james anymore.
its just like staining my blog with that poo name.
after drama watched th juniors training.and played in their game(:
but my shots were sucky.
quiz from sherylyn
Total of 2o questions . Tag 8 ppl in ur list . List them out at th end of th post .
1. At What Age Do You Which To Get Marry ?
late 20's?
2. Have You Given Your First Kiss Away ?
3. Who Is Th Person You Trust Most ?
4. Do You Have Enuff Confidence ?
nope.definately not enough
5. If You Have One Dream To Come True , What would it be ?
to be contented with what I have?
6. Do You Believe In Seeing A Rainbow After Rain ?
7. What Are You Most Afraid To Lose Now ?
8. Do You Believe In Eternal Love ?
Unless I experience it first.
9. If You Meet Someone That You Love , Would You Confess To Him / Her ?
1o. List Out Three Things About Th Person That Tagged You .
She's pretty, cute and meets me before netball training
11. What Are Your Requirements For Th Other Half ?
dunnoe.didnt bother to think.
12. Which Kind Of Person Do You Hate Most ?
irritaing people.
13. What Is Your Ambition ?
14. If You Have A Fault , Would You Rather They Point It Out Or Not ?
yeah.point lor
15. What Is Th Most Important Thing In Your Life ?
being happy.
16. Do You Find It A Need To Have A Boyf / Gurlf ?
not really.
17. In This Point , Would You Rather Stay In Comfort Zone Or Try Something New ?
try something new.
18. What Kind Of Friends You Need By Your Side ?
nice ones?some that you can trust?
19. If You Have A Chance , What Would You Like To Change ?
my netball skills
2o. Who Do You Wish To Spend Th Rest Of Your Life With ? [ Except Family ]
Quiz Passed To ; just take th quiz if you wanttt.
justin-whatever man
qinyu-jiayous!I'm sure you will make it(:
qianyan-relinked alrdy!
rohit-yuck.most probably my eyes will rot if i did see it.*vomits*
justin-hahhs.who wouldn't be anyway?
sherylyn-done alrdy x)
jiamin-yeaps.very fun!i want try one person play all!hahas.dunnoe lah.cant
be bothered with james anymore.zzz
and i finally created a its private.
Thursday, June 12, 2008 @ 10:09
dead blog-.-
tuesdaywent for drama today.fuck.i swear
we had to practise at the foyer today.where everybody can see us._.
and we had to like scream/shout/yell our lines out.fuck.
i swear i will have no connection with drama aft this nomad.
wednesdaytraining in the morning.
and it was raining heavily!so no two rounds outside.haha
ran pyramid instead.
and while running its super shuang.cold sweat xD
played this passing game.
everybody was laughing non stop.
Mr lee:left right right leftthan we'll run all over xD
played game and did suicide:(
and ate opposite.
last minute jackie said she was free so we went for th stoopid bowling.
which turned out as multiple disasters.
Disaster #1:Wenting was not free.
Disaster #2:Somebody told rochelle th wrong place and she was safra and we were at orchid
country club
Disaster #3:We didn't book the bowling lane.
Disaster #4 :(related to #3)we had to wait for 1/2hr to 1hr to get a lane
so we decided to just forget th whole project and go arcade to play.
in the end rochelle went home.sorry
jackie and jiamin played House of th dead4.jackie was still scared of th monsters.hahas.who wouldnt anyway?
than played air hockey! and daytona.and th drum game.each of us took one 'drum'hahas.
i wouldnt mind playing again!
and there were this two girls th fake drum for so jackie just go and swipe th card and they super not happy lah.zzz




xD they failed that game!
tuition ltr BLAH
Monday, June 09, 2008 @ 16:52
last night sherylyn was like msging me abt incredible tales><
i don't want to noe luh! scary you knoww.hahahs
two rounds nearly killed me today D:
apparently sun makes me more tired:/
went to gym and paired with jorinda.
very fun to use th machines.
i like th pull up machine a lot:D
after doing th weights stuff you dont even feel ur hands there anymore.
hahas did for like 1hr plus?
than went to do passes.
and shooters did shooter drills.w
hile th others played floorball.hahahs
we did in th shade.they played in the sun. xD
qinyu! jiayou for your shots yeahh!surprisingly no muscle ache today.(:
cause we stretched three times during training today.hahah
went opp to eat and went home.zzz.
go home so early for what?pfft
drama tomorrowD:
and i still haven memorise my jackie also havent!
i'm going to cross all my fingers and hope that fucking james will not be there tmrw!*makes futile attempts at crossing all fingers*
Friday, June 06, 2008 @ 21:28
training today.
ran two rounds outside again.
extended conditioning cause th volleyball ppl took th gym first:/
partnered simin for th conditioning stuff as well.
than did ball handling teamball.
and finally played game.
played as GK and GS.
and played damn badly as a GK.
didnt defend th shooter properly:/not tight on them enough.
and i didnt even hands up properly.and playing shooter wasnt that good either.
movements were sucky.
and my passes were
slightly better.only
slightlyate opposite sch with carol and alyssa.than homed.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 @ 22:35
100 shots before training today!
and two rounds outside for warm up:/
have to run faster next time as well.
had a new partner for today.janette & sherylyn
hahahs. did medicine ball stuff and passes with liko.
than did highes point drills.completely screwed them all up D:
finally played game at the end.
its a scoccer combined with netball game.
very fun and enjoyed lee kicked th ball damn high can!
ate opposite school to eat again.
and went j8 with carol and jiamin
collected her phone.
and went back home.zzz
Monday, June 02, 2008 @ 20:34
001. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
jiamin.which is best friends?
002. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
at night yeah.
003. What happened at 10.00am today?
netball training.and i think we were playing rounders:D
004. When did you last cry?
last week? for a certain reason..
005. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
006. What do you want in your life right now?
Tickets to the click five concert!! which is already over=="
007. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
i'll just walk through th rain.even if i bring umbrella also lazy to take out-.-
008. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
pillows and bolsters!
009. What bottom are you wearing now?
jean shorts.
010. Whats the nicest text in your inbox say?
I think jiajia quit netball xD
011. Do you tend to make a relationships complicated?
012. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
obviously not!
013. What was the last movie you caught?
dunnoe leh.but i'm watching what happens in vegas tmrw.hahah.i'm really slow
014. What are you proud of?
015. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
something from jiamin
016. What was the last song you sang out loud?
Happy Birthday-The Click Five;D
017. Do you have any nicknames?
yeah.longbean by odelia-.-
018. What does your last received text message say?
are we meeting tmrw for anything?-jackie
019. What time did you go to bed last night?
020. Are you currently happy?
021. Who gives you best advice?
022. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
i wish i can!hahah
023. Who did you talk on phone last night?
024. Is anything bugging you right now?
nope.feeling quite carefree now
025. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
026. Do you wear toe socks?
nope.i think it looks weird
027. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
Yi ling.she called me seven times-.-
028. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
029. What annoys you most in a person?
their proudness
030. Do you have a crush on anyone?
031. Have you ever done cocaine?
032. What is the colour of your room?
Apple White
033. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
billon dollars?i guess so(:
034. Do you believed in the saying "talk in cheap"?
035. Who was the last person to lay in your bed ?
my sister=="
036. Who was the last person to hug you?
037. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
i didnt kiss any one
038. Do you have a life?
obviously if not i wouldnt be here .
039. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't? dreams
040. What is the reason behind your profile song?
mariah carey is a great singer!
041. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
Muttons to midnight and SOO!hahahs xD
042. Last time you smiled?
afew seconds ago.when i was answering th above question
043. Have you changed this year?
yepp.I cut a fringe.and my character changed a lot.
044. What are you listening to right now?
The presenter talking for the Singapore vs Uzbekistan match
045. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?
046. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
OPEN of course!
047. Is there a quote you live by?
048. Do you want someone you can't have?
049. Have you ever played an instrument?
yeah.piano and recorder.
050. What was the worst idea you've had in week?
kicking lionel lewis in his ***
051. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
rushing my maths hw and listening to 987fm
052. Are you happy with your love life right now?
yeah.i don't hav a love life
053. What song describe your love life?
Always be my baby? thats the only love song I can think of.
054. Does the person know that you like him/her?
i don't like anybody now!
055. Who always make you laughs?
jackie and alyssa.when they start gaying with each other xD
056. Do you speak other language other than English?
Chinese and hokkien
057. Are you blond?
58. What your middle name?
059. What are you doing tomorrow?
watching what happens in vegas I guess
060. What do you think you are like?
quiet and not out going
061. Who will you choose to die with?
myself and only myself.
062. Where have you been today?
amkss & coffee shop opp sch.
063. What game do you play often?
064. Who are you missing right now?
065. If you've to choose between friends & love, who will you choose?
066. What are you doing right now?
this survey-.-
067. Which primary school are you from?
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary
068. Name 3 colours that you like.
Lime Green, Neon Orange and Grey
069. What emotion you like to show?
070. What is life to you?
life is everything to me.
071. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
get paranoid.really paranoid
072. Who did you last chat in msn today?
073. Who do you admire the most?
errr.somebody talented?
074. Which month are you born in?
075. How are you feeling right now?
very sweaty.coz th fan is not on
076. What is the time now?
077. Where are you now?
at home
078. What colour did you use to dye hair?
my hair is dark brown.but i want to dye it light brown.
079. Why are you doing this test?
causes qianyan tag me to do it!!
080. What do you do when you're moody?
become grouchy.
081. At which age you wish to get marry?
082. Who is more important to you? Boyfriend or friends?
083. Do you think you have enough confident?
084. Who is the person you trust the most?
Nobody.dont really trust anybody that much.
086. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
to lay better at netball and get better results.
087. What is your goal for this year?
get into a chem class
088. Do you believe in eternity love?
no.unless I experience it.
089. What feeling do you love most?
Being happy.
090. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
yeah.cause I'm feeling sweaty.
091. What feeling you hate the most?
Being paranoid
092. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
093. Do you believe in God?
err.Not in Jesus.but in Buddha yes.
094. Who cares for you the most?
My family and friends?
095. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
to live well
096. What'll you bring when you fight?
097. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
Poking pencil lead into my thigh D:
098. What would you feel that no one no longer cares for you??
099. What if your stead two-timed you?
I'll break up.
100. how old are you?
13.turning 14 this year
Remove 1 question from the above add in your own personal question,and bold it. Next, list 10 people whom you would you want them to do this, at the end of the post. Notify them in their tag box that he/she has been tagged/Pm them at msn.
Lazy to name people as usual.just take it if you want(:
@ 19:31
is anybody watching the Singapore vs Uzbekistan soccer match?
now the score is 5-2. in which Uzbekistan is winning.WTF?
i didnt see th first two goals.
but the third goal he ran forward and miss the which caused the goal D:
and the fourth goal was even worst. lionel lewis just tripped over NOTHING and fell causing another stupid goal.
& the freaking fifth goal lionel lewis just jumped nowhere and and th goal went in!!!!
hopefully they play better after half time.zzz