Tuesday, December 04, 2007 @ 13:52

more quizes!

What is your favorite song of all time?
err..now is accidentally in love

What is your favorite color?
black,lime green and neon orange

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
lots of wood?

left handed or right handed?
right handed.

What size shoe do you wear?
err..either 8half or 9 or is it 10..

Would you rather be hot or cold?

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?

Why did the chicken cross the road?
to get to the other side?

Where is Waldo?
no idea

What was your last thought?
i'm going to watch enchanted!

Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, or other?
Internet Explorer

Juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
milk and cookies.

Favorite fruit?

Which is worse? A bad laugh or a bad cough?
bad cough

Are you a cat or a dog person?
dog i suppose

Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Do you eat cold cereal at night?

Kill the spider or let it out?
i'm scream and run

Do you shower every single day?
Of course!

Boat or bus?
bus.i usually vommit on boats

What is your favorite Pj Fabric
i dun wear pjs

Where do you want to travel next?

What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out

What is your favorite food?

Do you read harry potter books?

What is your favorite place?

If you could have one super human power what would you choose?

Have you had a beer in the last week?

Vitamin Water or Gatorade?

Flip flops or sandles?
flip-flops :D

What do you do on fridays?
use the com and laze around?

Do you like bananas?

Hurt-Christina Aguilera

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you
But I know you won't be there

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, by hurting you.