Wednesday, October 31, 2007 @ 21:50

well well..
today there was netball training and match..
went to ccab?
played against Tanglin Trust..
all ang moh one..and they put on makeup to play netball
kinda crazy
it was a draw..and when i played on court it totally sucks..

oh and mrs ong said fuck.
like OMG?!
during the debrief and she suddenly went "fuck. blahblahblah"
eveybody was either laughing or like raise eyebrown..
shocking leh..

going back to primary skool tomoro to watch and hopefully try to umpire the captain ball game..

Hurt-Christina Aguilera

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you
But I know you won't be there

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, by hurting you.