Monday, July 09, 2007 @ 21:57
today the most exciting thing is maybe
that stinkbomb let off in skool
my idiotic neighbour ever let off a stinkbomb
right outside my house WTF!
it was too bloody stinky
i hate him...
oh bac to the stinkbomb in skool...
everybody smelled it during the end of chinese lesson
at first we though tt devin eng had farted!
but turned out...
his fart couldnt be so strong to spread to the whole skool...
even the classes opposite and the upstairs could smell it
lyk a skool prank lyk that...
so everybody ran out
and took in all the oxygen
thank goodness for trees!
when jackie came bac frm high chi....
she sprayed deodorant
and i think she forgot qianyi
was kinda allergic to it...
she sprayed it on the councillors tie
bad girl! lolx
ltr went to clean the art room...
my duty suppose to b tomoro
but than hav netball so no choice...
clean today
my fingers are aching!!
scrub and scrub
muz make until so white...
weird lor...
than went to amk hub wif jiamin...
bought chickenwing n buns n chocolate n crakers
than we found out that dere was a food fair ><
i didnt noe if i shld buy the turkish ice-cream...
it looks good
and the ice cream man a bit siao siao...
decided not to buy in the end....
managed to control...
dere is netball tomoro...
hope it wouldn't be too tiring
im rather lethargic nowadays