Friday, February 16, 2007 @ 21:17
today was FUN!!!!
I went to my uniform but i brought my jeans n hang-ten top....wah-lou so dam heavy..
any-way it came in good use when takin neoprint!!!
i'm scan it nix time...or later....
i'll show u kejiaa in the toilet bowl!!
than after skool...jeremy n kejia n jiamin n i
took taxi back to skool(thanks 4 paying the fare jeremy)
the moment we went out of the taxi
kejia went screaming cum running into the skool =.='''
lol....she was the first one to get out of the
but she didn't go to see Mr Goh...she went 2 see....JOVI!!!!
poor mr goh muz be so sadz lor....kejia never go see yo...
anyway jm n i ran in after her...
than i screamed"Christine'(note:Christine is my best friend)
we all laughed had a gd time at skool!!!!(((((((((((((((((((:
than we went j8 to...of course lah...take neoprint eat lunch...
so take neoprint twice there...
hmmm...went library
b4 tt we bought FAKE malt candy woo-hoo
it nearly broke off my
we met qianyi at j8 too...sorry tomoro hav Reunion dinner!!!
here's a picture of two gays(sorry can't help callin u ppl tt)